Models A & AA

Metric Dimensions are shown in mm (Shown in green)
Copyright ©, Portage Electric Products, Incorporated
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Copyright ©, Portage Electric Products, Incorporated
All rights reserved.

A creep-action thermostat with crimp connections for fast, easy termination. Available in same end (Model A) or opposite (Model AA) termination. Designed for use on low-current 120 VAC loads.
- Conductive bimetal construction; the bimetallic element carries the circuit current.
- Creep action device; slow make/slow break switching action.
- No built-in differential between the opening and closing temperature.
- Case electrically alive; insulating sleeving is available.
- Preset calibration temperature; not adjustable in the field.
- Available with same end termination, Model A; or opposite end termination, Model AA.
- Available with factory applied lead wires
Contact Ratings
- 3 amps 120 VAC resistive
- 4 amps 120 VAC inductive
- 2 amps 120 VAC resistive (heating pads)
Calibration Range
- Available with nominal calibration temperatures from 5°C to 150°C.